How You Can Help

We are looking for volunteers to help out at VBC events, as well as for those who would want to be a volunteer at Voyager during the school day.

The following volunteer opportunities are available:

1) COPY CREW : Copiers will spend time on a rotating schedule (convenient to your own) to make copies for K-5 teachers. You will be trained to properly use the new copy machines. The purpose of this is to help teachers' planning time to be more productive! Meeting other parents in the added benefit.

If you have already been receiving emails from VBC regarding events and information, you are already on this list. The purpose of this list is to inform these parents of volunteering opportunities BEFORE they are sent out to all school. This also provides you with more information on a regular basis. Receiving these emails does not assume any obligation for you to participate, it's purely informational and explains what donations or volunteers we are looking for; respond only when interested.

Thank you Voyager Families! Feel free to email [email protected] if you'd like any further information regarding these opportunities.

Thank You!